A Public Tag Recommendation API

Flavio H. M. Stakoviak Stakoviak, F. H. M.

Edeilson M. Silva Silva, E. M.


Tags allow users to categorize information in an ease and familiar way, but with the large amount of information available, it becomes harder to annotate those contents. Tag Recommendation Systems can provide relevant tags specifically for one information; users also improve their search results because automated recommendation guarantee tags uniformity. A public API designed to provide for anyone, a tag recommendation engine to be used anywhere can make even easier content annotation.

20 de outubro de 2014




Como referenciar

Stakoviak, F. H. M.; Silva, E. M.. A Public Tag Recommendation API. In: ENCOINFO - Congresso de Computação e Tecnologias da Informação, 16., 2014, Palmas - TO. Anais [...]. Palmas - TO: CEULP/ULBRA, 2014. p. 25 - 32. ISSN e-ISSN: 2447-0767 versão online. Disponível em: https://ulbra-to.br/encoinfo/edicoes/2014/artigos/a-public-tag-recommendation-api/. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025