White Hat Hacking: Securing networks with offensive strategy – A systematic literature review

Thiago Figueiredo Costa Costa. T. F.

André da Cruz Cruz, A.


This paper presents a Systematic Literature Review of offensive hack- ing strategies and techniques, like penetration tests, aiming to increase the se- curity of computer networks by eliminating the detected vulnerabilities. These techniques are not being widely applied, after all, known and often older vulner- abilities are being used to drive attacks. The relevance of the present work is to cover the necessary content to avoid and simulate these attacks by synthesizing the knowledge obtained in a systematic review of the literature. The goal is to serve as a mean of spreading information, helping to increase the digital secu- rity level in computer networks, and therefore contributing to the improvement of the cybersecurity in general. In order to put the related content into practice computing and networking knowledge are needed, and everything presented in this paper can be powered by open-source tools.

03 de Novembro de 2020




Como referenciar

Costa. T. F.; Cruz, A.. White Hat Hacking: Securing networks with offensive strategy – A systematic literature review. In: ENCOINFO - Congresso de Computação e Tecnologias da Informação, 22., 2020, Palmas - TO. Anais [...]. Palmas - TO: CEULP/ULBRA, 2020. p. 144 - 154. ISSN e-ISSN: 2447-0767 versão online. Disponível em: https://ulbra-to.br/encoinfo/edicoes/2020/artigos/white-hat-hacking-securing-networks-with-offensive-strategy-a-systematic-literature-review/. Acesso em: 29 dez. 2024