Assistive Social Robots to Support the Elderly Care: A Systematic Mapping

Ricardo Ferreira Vilela Vilela, R. F.

Pedro Henrique Dias Valle Valle, P. H. D.


An increase in the elderly population in the world has been observed in recent years. In this perspective, studies have been proposed to contribute to a better quality of life for the elderly. In this sense, social robots have provided significant contributions to the interaction of the elderly. Moreover, these results have been reported in experimental studies. Therefore, this paper aims to understand how assistive social robots have supported elderly care in the last five years. We conducted a systematic mapping using six databases and a manual search to identify relevant studies in the central conferences related to Human- Robot Interaction. As a result, we identified 28 primary studies that reported that conventional treatment is indispensable. However, the use of assistive social robots in this context helps obtain good results, as reduction of stress, inter- actions among the elderly. As future work, we intend to conduct new researches using a more significant number of participants and use measurable metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of robots to help the quality of life of the elderly.

12 de Novembro de 2021




Como referenciar

Vilela, R. F.; Valle, P. H. D.. Assistive Social Robots to Support the Elderly Care: A Systematic Mapping. In: ENCOINFO - Congresso de Computação e Tecnologias da Informação, 23., 2021, Palmas - TO. Anais [...]. Palmas - TO: CEULP/ULBRA, 2021. p. 22 - 32. ISSN e-ISSN: 2447-0767 versão online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dez. 2024